
Home Information Notice

Announcement on further improving the current epidemic prevention and control work


(No. 2 of 2022)

        Recently, the overseas new crown pneumonia epidemic has been severe and complex, and the domestic epidemic has been scattered in many places. In particular, local epidemics have occurred in many places in Henan Province adjacent to our city. Tianjin has found imported cases of Omicron variant strains, which have caused local clusters of epidemics. The Spring Festival holiday is approaching, in order to strictly prevent the spread of the epidemic to our city and protect the health and life safety of the people in the city, the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

        1. Those returning to Xuzhou from the province should report to the community (village) and unit where they are located in advance, and take the initiative to provide a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours after arriving in Xuzhou, and cooperate with the implementation of relevant health management measures; In case of abnormal symptoms such as pain, report to the community actively, and wear a mask to visit the nearest fever clinic in time. For those returning to Xuzhou from Tianjin, Xi'an, Zhengzhou and other epidemic-related risk areas, they must undergo 14-day centralized isolation and medical observation, and those returning to Xuzhou from other epidemic-affected provinces are required to undergo 7-day health monitoring.

        2. "Two stations and one scene" should increase the investigation of people from outside the province returning to Xu, assign special personnel, set up special channels, and check the negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours. For those that cannot be provided, guide relevant personnel to be on the spot. Perform nucleic acid testing. All localities, units and residential communities should take the initiative to investigate, and do a good job in the information registration and nucleic acid inspection of people returning to Xu from outside the province. Schools and educational institutions at all levels and types should strengthen the investigation of the situation of students’ parents going out and returning to Xu, and strengthen the health monitoring and access management of teachers and students.

        3. All public service personnel must wear masks in a standardized manner, and strictly implement personal protection; 85 key units such as farmers' markets, shopping malls, supermarkets, and public entertainment venues must conscientiously perform the main responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, arrange special personnel for inspection and inspection, and strictly implement the wearing of masks. Masks, one-meter noodles, temperature measurement, "two yards" test and other measures, and provide basic anti-epidemic items such as spare masks and hand sanitizers. Persons with a history of living outside the city within 14 days and entering key places such as schools, hospitals, pension institutions, ports, etc., need to hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours.

        4. Inoculation of the new crown virus is the most economical and effective way to prevent the new crown pneumonia, and it is also an important measure to block the spread of the new crown virus. All eligible citizens should take the initiative to make an appointment for vaccination at the inoculation unit in their jurisdiction, and complete the initial immunization and strengthening of the new crown virus vaccine as soon as possible. immunity.

        Fifth, epidemic prevention and control is everyone's responsibility. Please continue to tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, strengthen self-protection, and continue to adhere to the "three-piece epidemic prevention": wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and paying attention to personal hygiene. Those who refuse to abide by the epidemic prevention and control regulations and undermine the overall situation of the city's epidemic prevention and control will be held accountable according to laws and regulations.

Xuzhou New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

January 9, 2022