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Xuzhou Tourism regulations


Lianglaifeng (Yunlong Wanda store)

Address: rooms 1-104 and 1-105, building 2, SOHO, Wanda Plaza, Yunlong, Xuzhou

Tel: 0516-85776888 "Xuzhou Tourism regulations" was formulated by the seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th People's Congress of Xuzhou on October 31, 2017 and approved by the 33rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th people's Congress of Jiangsu Province on December 2, 2017. It is hereby promulgated and will enter into force as of March 1, 2018.

——December 13th, 2017

Xuzhou Tourism regulations

(formulated at the 7th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th People's Congress of Xuzhou on October 31, 2017 and approved at the 33rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the 12th people's Congress of Jiangsu Province on December 2, 2017)


Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter II tourism development and promotion

Chapter III tourism operation and service

Chapter IV tourism safety

Chapter V tourism supervision and Administration

Chapter VI Legal Liability

Chapter VII supplementary provisions

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 in order to protect and rationally develop and utilize tourism resources, standardize the order of the tourism market, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of tourists, tourism operators and tourism practitioners, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of tourism, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the tourism law of the people's Republic of China, the tourism regulations of Jiangsu Province and other laws and regulations, in combination with the actual situation of this city.

Article 2 These Regulations are applicable to the protection and development of tourism resources, the promotion of tourism development, tourism business services, tourism security, tourism activities of tourists and related supervision and administration within the administrative region of this city.

Article 3 the development of tourism should follow the principle of integrating social, economic and ecological benefits, highlight local characteristics, improve the quality of tourism, promote the integration of tourism and cities, advocate healthy, civilized and eco-tourism methods, and meet the growing needs of people for a better life.

Article 4 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall strengthen the organization and leadership of tourism work.

The Municipal People's Government shall establish a comprehensive tourism coordination mechanism to comprehensively handle the following major issues:

(1) Research and coordinate the compilation of tourism development planning, the integration of tourism resources, the construction of tourism brand projects, and the promotion of tourism image;

(2) Organize and coordinate joint tourism law enforcement;

(3) Organize and coordinate the construction of tourism public service system;

(4) Plan and coordinate other major issues to promote the development of tourism.

The municipal tourism authority is responsible for the daily work of the comprehensive tourism coordination mechanism.

The people's governments of counties (cities) and districts may establish a comprehensive tourism coordination mechanism according to their needs.

Article 5 the competent tourism departments of cities, counties (cities) and districts are responsible for the guidance and coordination, public services, and supervision and administration of the tourism industry.

The relevant departments of the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall, in accordance with their respective duties, ensure and promote the development of tourism.

Article 6 the Township People's government or the sub district office shall cooperate with the relevant departments in the protection and utilization of tourism resources, the promotion of tourism industry, the supervision of tourism safety, the maintenance of tourism order, the handling of tourism disputes and the publicity of civilized tourism within their respective jurisdictions.

Article 7 tourists, tourism operators and their employees shall abide by the Convention on civilized tourism in their tourism activities, protect tourism resources and the ecological environment, and maintain tourism order.

Chapter II tourism development and promotion

Article 8 The competent tourism department shall, together with the relevant departments, conduct a general survey and evaluation of the tourism resources within its administrative region, confirm the tourism resource points, establish a tourism resource database, and implement dynamic management; Support relevant research institutions, universities, social groups and other organizations and individuals to explore the cultural connotation of tourism resources.

Article 9 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall incorporate the development of tourism into the overall plan for national economic and social development and increase their support for tourism.

The people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall organize the compilation of tourism development plans. Tourism development planning should reflect the concept of whole region tourism, aim to build a regional tourism center city and a tourism destination city, highlight the historical and cultural characteristics of Chu Han culture, military culture and other local landscape characteristics, and make overall arrangements for the development of tourism in this administrative region.

The compilation of tourism development plans shall be linked with the overall plans for land use, urban and rural plans, protection plans for famous historical and cultural cities, protection plans for ecological red line areas, environmental protection plans, and the protection and utilization plans for scenic spots, nature reserves, cultural relics reserves, Water Conservancy Scenic Spots, drinking water sources, forest parks, wetlands, etc., and the opinions of the public and experts shall be publicly solicited.

Article 10 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts are responsible for organizing the implementation of tourism development plans in their respective regions, evaluating the implementation, and publishing the evaluation results to the public.

Article 11 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall integrate tourism resources, attract capital investment, and guide the construction of tourism brand projects that meet market needs.

The service functions of tourism brand projects should be constructed according to the standards of AAAAA tourist attractions.

Article 12 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall, in accordance with the requirements of the tourism development plan, ensure the supply of land for the construction of tourism projects in accordance with the law.

Encourage the development of tourism projects by using wasteland, barren slopes, barren beaches, abandoned mining areas and abandoned factories.

Article 13 the exploitation of natural resources for tourism projects shall not damage the landscape or pollute the environment. The development of tourism projects by using historical and cultural resources should maintain their unique historical and cultural features.

The development of tourism projects shall conform to the tourism development plan, and the land for tourism shall not be used for other purposes.

Article 14 the state-owned tourism resources can be separated from the ownership and management rights, and natural persons, legal persons and unincorporated organizations can obtain the management rights through auction, bidding and other means.

Article 15 encourage the use of social capital to set up folk museums, exhibition halls, memorial halls and other tourism projects.

Tourist attractions, tourist resorts or performing arts companies are encouraged to develop tourism performing arts products that reflect cultural characteristics.

Article 16 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall organize relevant departments to strengthen the construction of the tourism public service system. According to the needs, set up tourism public service facilities such as tourism distribution center, tourism parking lot, tourism toilet, self driving camp, etc; Set up public welfare tourism consultation points or guide facilities in the places where tourists gather to provide tourists with relevant tourism information of the local and surrounding areas; Set up scenic spot guide signs on expressways, urban roads, subway stations and pedestrian roads around scenic spots; Set up boarding and alighting stations or temporary parking spots for group tourism vehicles near airports, stations and tourist attractions.

The competent tourism department and the transportation department shall, according to the actual needs, set up special tourism lines between the tourist concentration places and the main tourist attractions, improve the operation of tourism public transportation lines, and facilitate the travel of tourists.

Article 17 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall establish tourism monitoring and tourism public information consulting service platforms, collect and publish tourism public information in a timely manner, and provide tourists with necessary information and consulting services such as scenic spots, routes, transportation, meteorology, accommodation, safety, medical first aid, etc. The consulting service platform should include self drive travel content.

The departments of statistics, public security, urban management, transportation, quality supervision, industry and commerce, food and drug administration, civil aviation, railways, communications and other departments shall share relevant information with the competent tourism departments.

Article 18 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall set up special funds for tourism development to be used for activities such as the protection and development of tourism resources, the construction of tourism supporting facilities and public service system, the support of major tourism projects, the development of tourism market, the guarantee of tourism safety, the promotion of tourism image, and the education and training of tourism talents.

The people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall formulate measures for the management and use of special funds for tourism development, and give full play to the guiding role of funds.

Development and reform, finance, construction, transportation, gardening, agriculture, water conservancy, culture, sports, environmental protection and other departments should support and guide tourism integration projects when supporting industrial development and arranging special funds.

Article 19 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts should strengthen the guidance and investment in tourism publicity, highlight cultural and landscape characteristics, improve the level of publicity and expand the scope of publicity.

The competent tourism department shall, together with relevant units, formulate a tourism image publicity plan, and strengthen the publicity of the city's image and tourism resources with the help of various media.

Commercial centers, tourist attractions, tourist hotels, stations, airports, highway service areas and other places should set up public service advertisements to promote the image of the city in prominent positions.

Article 20 tourist attractions should standardize the content of explanations and enrich the cultural connotation of explanations.

Tourist attractions are encouraged to employ experts, scholars and social celebrities as commentators, hold special lectures on culture, and improve the cultural quality of tourist attractions.

Article 21 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts and their relevant departments shall strengthen cooperation with surrounding areas and mega cities, establish and improve tourism cooperation mechanisms, cultivate regional tourism markets, and realize the sharing of tourism resources.

Article 22 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities), Tongshan district and Jiawang District shall formulate and organize the implementation of rural tourism development plans according to the local tourism development plans, formulate supporting policies, develop tourism projects and improve the rural tourism service system in combination with the local cultural and natural characteristics.

Article 23 The competent tourism departments and tourism industry associations shall, together with relevant units, encourage the research and development, production and operation of tourism commodities with local characteristics, support the transformation of products with local characteristics into tourism commodities, and cultivate tourism commodity brands.

Article 24 the people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall support the construction of tourism colleges and tourism majors, support tourism vocational education, encourage schools and enterprises to jointly run schools, and cultivate practical tourism professionals.

Encourage and support tourism operators, industry organizations and social school institutions to carry out professional ethics education and job skills training.

Article 25 the legitimate rights and interests of tourism voluntary service organizations and volunteers shall be protected by law.

The people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts and their relevant departments shall provide necessary guidance for tourism voluntary services and ensure that tourism voluntary service organizations provide services and assistance to tourists.

Chapter III tourism operation and service

Article 26 If a travel agency operates its business through the Internet, the information published in its business license and travel agency business license shall be made public in a prominent position on the front page of its website.

If a third-party trading platform is used to provide trading services, the electronic link logo of its business license and travel agency business license shall be publicized in a conspicuous position on the main page of its business activities.

Article 27 clubs, car clubs, media and other units and individuals that call tourists shall not engage in the business of travel agencies without obtaining the business license of travel agencies.

Article 28 Where a travel agency establishes a branch, it shall handle the establishment registration with the industrial and Commercial Department of the place where the branch is located by holding a copy of the business license of the travel agency, and shall file with the competent Tourism Department of the place where the branch is located within three working days from the date of establishment registration. The establishment of travel agency branches is not subject to geographical restrictions. The business scope of a branch shall not exceed that of the travel agency that established the branch.

Travel agencies that set up service outlets to attract tourists and provide tourism consultation should go through the establishment registration procedures with the Department of industry and commerce according to law, and report to the local competent tourism department for the record. Service outlets shall be subject to the unified management of travel agencies and shall not engage in activities other than solicitation and consultation.

Article 29 travel agencies shall not publish false and vague tourism information to mislead tourists; No means such as fraud, coercion or malicious collusion with others shall be used to attract tourists.

Travel agencies shall not organize tourism activities at unreasonable low prices, lure tourists, and obtain improper benefits such as rebates by arranging shopping or paying separately for tourism projects.

Article 30 travel agencies shall keep tourism contracts, payment bills and other relevant materials for a period of not less than three years.

Article 31 tour guides and tour leaders shall wear tour guide certificates and tour leader certificates. The tour guide card and tour guide card are only for personal use, and may not be altered, lent or rented.

Article 32 tourist attractions shall set up parking lots, barrier free facilities, medical treatment, emergency rescue, tourist centers and other supporting services and auxiliary facilities in accordance with national and industrial standards; Set up a tour guide sign system that meets national standards, and publicize consultation, complaint and rescue calls in obvious places.

Tourist attractions above AAA level should establish a perfect tourism information service system to realize full coverage of free wireless network signals.

Article 33 tourist toilets shall be set up in tourist attractions, tourist restaurants and tourist entertainment places in accordance with the standards set by the state.

Toilets in business places in tourist attractions shall be open to tourists free of charge.

Article 34 during holidays and weekends, if it is necessary to add temporary parking lots or temporary parking spaces around the scenic spot, the scenic spot management organization may apply to the public security traffic management department or the parking lot management organization determined by the people's government. The public security traffic management department or the parking lot management organization shall, according to the situation, add additional temporary parking lots in conjunction with relevant units, and make adjustments to the additional temporary parking lots Supervise the temporary parking space.

Article 35 tourist attractions built by using public resources shall express preferential policies and implement ticket reduction and exemption for the disabled, the elderly, minors, soldiers, full-time school students and other qualified tourists.

Fee paying scenic spots are encouraged to arrange a certain amount of time each year to open to citizens for free or implement ticket price concessions.

The competent tourism department may establish a tourism annual ticket system to encourage scenic spots to join the tourism annual ticket system.

Article 36 operators engaged in commodity sales and other service activities in scenic spots shall be subject to the unified management of the scenic spot management organization. Price clearly and conduct fair transactions; It is not allowed to follow, pester, cheat or coerce tourists to buy goods or accept paid services.

Chapter IV tourism safety

Article 37 The People's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall be responsible for the work of tourism safety within their respective administrative areas.

Tourism, public security, transportation, safety supervision, quality supervision, industry and commerce, food and drug administration, health, sports and other departments shall perform their duties of tourism safety supervision according to law.

The people's governments of cities, counties (cities) and districts shall establish a coordination mechanism for tourism safety on holidays and weekends, and organize the competent tourism departments as well as the public security, urban management, transportation, safety supervision and other departments to do a good job in the supervision and management of tourism safety on holidays and weekends.

Article 38 The competent tourism department shall organize the preparation of emergency plans for tourism emergencies, incorporate them into the emergency management system, and supervise tourism operators to establish and implement safety systems.

Article 39 tourism operators shall strictly implement the laws and regulations on production safety and national, industrial and local standards, and have the corresponding conditions for production safety.

Tourism operators should establish safety management responsibility system and self inspection system, strengthen the construction of safety protection facilities and ensure normal use.

Tourism operators shall establish emergency plans for tourism safety accidents. When a tourism safety accident occurs, they shall immediately take rescue measures, make proper arrangements for tourists, and timely report to the local people's government, public security, tourism and other relevant departments as required.

Article 40 tourist attractions

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