Copyright Notice

Home Copyright Notice

1. The copyright of any content presented in any media on this website, regardless of trademark, design, text, image and any other information, belongs to Xuzhou Han Culture Scenic Spot without special instructions.

2. The "copyright" indicated on this site is Xuzhou Han Culture Scenic Spot's own independent design, writing and production of the logo of the entire site, the design ideas of the site, the structure of the site, and the content and images independently designed, written and produced by the site. Permissions copyright notice.

3. Xuzhou Han Culture Scenic Spot has all intellectual property rights for all content and services developed by it or jointly developed with others, and is protected by relevant intellectual property laws such as copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents, and exclusive rights.

4. The network service content of Xuzhou Han Culture Scenic Spot includes: text, software, pictures, charts, all contents in advertisements; and other information provided to users by Xuzhou Han Culture Scenic Spot. All of these contents are protected by the above-mentioned relevant laws.

5. If this site contains some text content provided by other organizations, groups or commercial institutions, the copyright of these content belongs to the corresponding provider. If you have any objection to the excerpts or reprints of these contents on this site, please send an email to the Management Committee, and we will deal with it in a timely manner.